
What's New and Otakon 2012

Wow, so it's been a while since my last update. Hopefully anyone actually following the site has noticed that the lyrics are still coming (and at a faster pace I might add). At home, we recently bought a new all-in-one printer (you know, print, copy, scan, and fax and stuff), and I found out upon installing the software that it actually comes with an OCR program (OCR can take text from images and make it into text that you can edit on the computer). This works great for me because it makes my process much faster. Instead of completely typing the lyrics with foreign characters word for word, I can now just scan them and have them ready for me to edit right away. Now of course it never scans perfectly, but it saves me so much time when all I have to do is fix the mistakes; of which most are pretty generic. I've tested it with Japanese and Chinese lyrics so far, and it's working well, as now I can sometimes get two or three song lyrics up in one day. I haven't tried any Korean songs yet (not that I have much source material anyway), but based on how the program works, I'm thinking I may have to do a bit more work for that though.

I will be starting classes again within the next month, so unfortunately I don't think I'll have as much time to update during the semester. I'll do what I can, but hopefully I can get a good amount of stuff added with the time I have.

Otakon 2012:
For those who don't know, Otakon is an anime convention, but more specifically, an Asian culture convention that runs every year in Baltimore, MD. I've been going for a few years, but I think I enjoyed going this year the most out of the other times I'd been. I'm not as big into anime as I used to be, but my main focus now is Japanese music, so I tend to go to conventions mostly for their musical guests.

Otakon's musical guests this year were new Japanese vocalist, Mikako Joho; a new-ish K-Pop boy band called VIXX; and the very popular seiyuu/singer, Aya Hirano. Two concerts were held at Otakon (first, Mikako Joho and VIXX; second, Aya Hirano), and I attended and enjoyed both of them. I was interested in seeing all of them, but they couldn't hold a torch to the guest I wanted to see most. That is Miss Yuuka Nanri, solo artist and vocalist for Yuki Kajiura's FictionJunciton YUUKA. Unfortunately she did not do any singing (that would've been awesome!), but I was able to go to be Q & A panel (of course I asked her a question), and her autograph session. When I find out she was coming to Otakon, and I quickly ordered her recent solo album to get signed. I brought that and my FicitonJunction YUUKA album, and was able to get both of them autographed! Just getting to meet her made going to convention worthwhile for me. She's very sweet, seriously cares about her fans, and is someone I have always respected and admired. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos, so all I can present is a photo of my signed CDs:

Here's what's new in the My Collection page:

FLiP - XX Emotion (album)
Jane Zhang - Listen to Jane Z Live (album)
Kylee - Mirai (single)
mini - Electro Hardcore Banban Picasso (album)
miss A - A CLASS (album)
STEREOPONY - stand by me (single)
supercell - Today Is A Beautiful Day (album)
Yuuka Nanri - Rondo... Tsuki no Kioku wo Tadotte. (album)

There is one album that I have not listed, and that is FLiP's Michi evolution album. The the reason is that I had ordered the album online, but then my order was cancelled because it went out of print. By that time though I had already added it to the My Collection page. I still intend to buy the album so I will leave it there, but I will not be able to add lyrics until I receive a copy.

Anyway, I think that should be all for now, I've made your eyes hurt long enough. Stay tuned for more lyrics. They'll be coming for at least another month, and hopefully I'll still be able to work on them while I'm in school. またね、皆!

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