
Two months and 75 songs later, we're ready for launch!

So wow, I've been working on this site for almost two months, and I think I'm pretty much set on how I want things to look. First thing to note is that I have decided to change the blog name from Spiegelscythe Lyrics to Kagami Lyrics. Spiegelscythe is my username for Blogger, and I initially went with it because it was something I could use quickly when I created the site. It's also a name I've been using for years for various other things, and it serves as a kind of identity for myself. And although it has meaning for me and other people that know it, in a public sense it probably doesn't mean anything to everyone else. So I went with something that is less personal but still gives me a sense of identity with my site. The word 'kagami' (鏡) is the Japanese word for 'mirror,' and it shares the same meaning as the 'spiegel' part of 'spiegelscythe,' which in German, also means 'mirror.' Having a combination German/English word as the title for a blog hosting Asian pop lyrics just didn't seem quite right, and I think 'kagami' will work much better. As for the 'Kashi no Basho" part, it might not be necessary, but it seems to be helping my site get hits from Japan (especially people searching for '歌詞'). So it will stay!

Second note! Since I started this blog I've been adding lyrics fairly consistently, and I've now made it up to 75 songs! This is including the ones I added that were already done the site was created, as well as the ones I've added since. Right now I'm getting a new song lyric posted every other day or so. I think this will be my pace for a now, I want to keep updating the site while still allowing time to get other things done.

After all of this time and effort that I put into building this site, I'm glad to say that it's finally done! There's not much more I want to add except for more content for the time being. So no more big changes for now, and anything else I want to do, I'll make an announcement about it. I'm also deciding to drop adding images for the artists in the Lyrics Index. It's still up for consideration, but I just don't feel like working on it now, or feel that it's necessary right now. My major goals for the site are still the same, and I'll of course still be working to get those done. The biggest step was just getting the site completed.

Alright, I think I've bored you long enough now. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the site, and I hope you can find those lyrics you're looking for. じゃまた次のアップデート。

What I've Completed:
・Fix the 'About Me' box on the right side (I just removed it altogether, much better now I think.)
・Finish the 'About This Site' page/tab (This is finally done, more or less the last big thing I had to do)

New Things to Add to My Collection:
・BENI - Fortune (album)
・Meisa Kuroki - Unlocked (album)

・Become a CDJapan affiliate
・affiliate with other sites (blogs, forums, etc.)

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